Friday, January 4, 2019

John Warburton On Means

John Warburton (1776–1857)

He was baptized by William Gadsby and he later baptized J.C. Philpot. Elder James Osbourn, a founding father of the "Primitive Baptist" denomination, attended Warburton's church when he lived in England.

His only work is a biography or history of his life in the book "The Mercies of a Covenant God" (see here). Though the book is mostly about his salvation experience, and his experience as a Christian and as a pastor, with very little doctrinal teaching, yet enough is said in it that shows that Warburton's views on the use of means in "effectual calling" were the same as that of Huntington, Philpot, and Gadsby.

Wrote Warburton in one of his "trials" of faith (emphasis mine):

"But the devil started another thing which tried me sore-that I had never had any real proof that any one soul had been brought out of bondage into happy liberty through me; and how could I ever prove that God had sent me into the vineyard! "For," said he, "whomsoever God sends with a message of salvation He blesses that message to the deliverance of poor captives, and the opening of the prison doors to them that are bound, and the declaring of the acceptable year of the Lord."

Well, thought I, this is truth; for, if God has truly sent me, He will bless me, as His mouth, in the deliverance of poor souls from the bondage and curse of the law."

Very clear is it not?

Wrote Warburton after some sinner had been liberated from sin by his preaching:

"But when God gives peace, who or what can give trouble? The Lord went on to give testimony to the word of His grace from my poor mouth, and made it manifest that He was with me by signs following. This was establishing and comforting to my soul, for I verily believe that if God had not owned my poor labours in delivering souls from bondage into liberty, I must have given it all up. But the Lord saith, "A true witness delivereth souls." (Prv. 14:25)" 

What salvation is this? A mere Hardshell "time salvation" that is unnecessary for being finally saved in Heaven? Is it not eternal salvation to be delivered from the bondage of sin?

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