Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Fate Of The False & Deceived

Said Spurgeon in Commenting upon Matt. 7: 22:

"...they attended to marvels, but not to essentials. They neglected the important things, which should have been done in secret; they did much that could be seen in public, but they failed in the plainer, simpler things that nobody saw. Let me just say to you, brothers and sisters, that herein lies a great part of our danger

- the risk of getting a religious character without having a renewed heart,

- doing religious actions without really being born again,

- learning the brogue of the New Jerusalem without having been born as a citizen of the heavenly city,

- becoming fluent talkers, and earnest workers, but not having confessed sin, or repented of it, or laid hold on Jesus Christ by living faith.

I do beseech you, young professors, to covet most of all secret holiness,

- the holiness that does not wish to be seen,

- plain, honest dealing with God in private,  -

- much secret prayer and meditation upon the Word, 

- in brief, a life of true consecration to God.

You may prophesy if God calls you to do so. Perhaps you will cast out devils, I hope you may; and in Christ’s name you may do many wonderful works; but, first of all, “ye must be born again.” You must become as little children to sit at the feet of Jesus, and to learn of him. You must be obedient to His commands, and yield yourselves up to Him, or else you will be fatally mistaken, whatever profession you may make." (The Disowned - here)

Well, amen to these words! God help us to make our calling and election sure! Let us not be deceived hypocrites!

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