Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Transition?

I have been feeling for quite some time that my videos and writings against hardshellism (going on now since about 1993) are wrapping up. I have spent much labor during those years, especially the past two decades, examining thousands of historical documents relative to the history of the Baptists, particularly of the "anti mission movement" of the early 19th century. I have been tremendously blessed by all this labor and now enjoy the fruit of that labor.

I have already discovered all I need to know about that denomination that has called itself "Primitive" or "Old School" or "Regular" Baptists. I know their history, better than they know it themselves. I have proven that the Hardshells have fabricated their own history and see themselves through blinders. I have shown that they are deceived about themselves, about their history, and about their standing in the truth or faith once delivered unto the saints.

In the future I will be writing less on PB history and more on scripture and bible topics. My plans are to spend the next several months, and perhaps years, publishing my numerous books (on various subjects) and making them available on a new web page I am hoping to create where all the writings can be on one web page.

This will take an enormous amount of time as all these books will take time to complete, edit and revise, and publish. So much to do and little time to do it! Pray for us. A transition to another phase of my religious life is about to begin, I sense.

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