Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Hardshell Lies About Their History

1. The division of 1832 per The Black Rock Address was a division over the question of means in regeneration or new birth.

2. The Means doctrine was a new doctrine among the Baptists and the PBs were a reaction to it.

3. The doctrine of the "absolute predestination of all things" was not the common original view of the first PBs who supported the Black Rockers.

4. The first PB leaders did not believe that all the elect would be converted to faith in Christ.

5. The first PB leaders did not believe that the gospel was a means in the new birth.

6. John Gill taught the anti means view.

7. John Gill taught the doctrine of "time salvation."

8. The "Notes" attached to the 1689 London Confession via the "Fulton Convention" accurately interprets the Confession.

9. The first PBs (1830s) did not believe in the perseverance of the saints, but only in preservation.

10. Pence and Burnam were wrong and Potter, Dalton, Daily, and Waters were right on what their forefathers taught on means and perseverance.

11. Pence and Burnam, in teaching means, were teaching a new doctrine among the PBs.

12. John Clark, of Zion's Advocate, did not believe in means in the new birth.

13. Dr. John Clark and Obadiah Holmes (of the oldest church claimed) denied means in rebirth.

14. The Welsh Baptists and the Midland Confession show that Welsh disagreed with the 1689 Confession and it signatories on means.

15. John Ryland Sr. denied the use of means in the 1700s by his purported words "sit down young man..."

16. John Brine taught regeneration without means and that conversion was not necessary for final salvation.

17. Hassell's history gives an honest report of the facts of the history of the PBs of today.

18. PBs today believe the same things that all their forefathers believed back to the apostles.

19. Claude Cayce's teachings give the same teaching as the first PBs.

20. PBs have had little trouble with "Two Seedism" it only being a problem with a few and only in the first couple decades of PB existence.

Now, I could no doubt add to this list, but these twenty lies and falsehoods about historical facts are sufficient to prove that the PB denomination today, in cult fashion, have their own perverted set of historical materials (which they have weaved together and put out in books and pamphlets over the past hundred years or so) and the blind cult followers simply accept what they are told.

Now, you ponder all this and deeply consider what all this indicates about this denomination's "spirit." And, we are here to "try the spirits" to determine whether they are of God.

I will be posting some important information on my research at Duke University. It was an all day affair and I am very tired. Beautiful campus! But, being a Tarheel fan, I had to hold my nose. lol John Clark believed in means and I will show just how dishonest many PB historians and leaders have been in distorting the views of such men as Clark. Stay tuned.

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