Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Experiences In PB "Boot Camp" (2)

I have already referred in my book "The Hardshell Baptist Cult," chapter three on "Personal Experiences," and in my first posting in this series (Experiences In PB "Boot Camp"), as well as in many postings (writings, articles, etc.) throughout my years of writing on hardshellism, to many "boot camp" experiences I had as a young convert and later minister of this cult. Since I am getting so close to the end of my race and ministry, given to me of the Lord, it may be of benefit to some that I now relate my boot camp experiences while a cult member.

Boot Camp Experiences


- besides the 3 mentioned in the previous posting in this series
- but mentioned in my book on hardshellism and other writings but included now in this series
- boot camp experiences that will hopefully be expanded upon in the future

1. The ordeal of my first ordination
2. The ordeal of the "Oak Ridge Council" of the Powell's Valley Ass. (disfellowshipping father and our church over the fall of the angels and origin of Satan)
3. The ordeal of my move to NC in the midst of the Satan controversy and the difficulties in the Bear Creek over "my situation."
4. The ordeal of my second ordination in the Bear Creek Ass.
6. The ordeal of the deacon ordination at Pleasant Grove church over Satan and Lazarus issues
7. The ordeal of my serving three churches more than 150-200 miles from my home
8. My ordeal with pastoring these churches
9. My ordeal with my beloved father over these ordeals
10. My ordeal in struggling to reconcile what I was learning (in history and scripture) with PB beliefs
11. My ordeal in becoming disattached, emotionally and intellectually, with Hardshellism.
12. My ordeal in having a wife (1st) who was not as committed to ministry as I was.

Now, I no doubt can add to this list, but this is a good number to end with. Further, I will be happy to compare my PB "boot camp" experiences with any of today's graduates from PB boot camp and who are now "PB Green Berets."

But, I am sure that my path thus far was what my Father allotted to me before I was born. "To this end was I born." I have born witness to the truth and have tried to do it in love for Christ, for the truth, and for my Hardshell brothers.

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