Sunday, October 20, 2019

Babylon Rising

This is a map of the Babylonian Empire at the time of Daniel and the Captivity.

This part of the world is now the center of attention. It is no accident.

As this part of the world contains the "fertile crescent" area of ancient Sumeria, along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, it has an important place in both history and in biblical texts, including prophecies of the last days. It was where Eden was located. It is the area of mankind's origin and will be the area of his greatest judgment. It is both the "cradle" and "grave" of civilization.

Who can doubt that many texts talk about the nation of Israel and the land of Israel as important in latter day times and events?

Who can doubt that the "megalopolis" of "Babylon," that great commercial city of Rev. 18, plays an important role in the end time? Babylon includes modern day Iraq.

Who can doubt that the Euphrates river plays a role at the time of the end per Rev. 16:12?

I look for the outcome of the present conflict in this area (Kurdish areas included) to see the UN create an "International City" or Zone and empower this city to control world trade (no longer by the WTO) and commerce. It will solve the economic difficulties of the people in the region, bring temporary peace and prosperity, and help to bring about a one world government, now the dream of today's "globalists."

Let us, as we see these things come to pass, be strengthened in our faith and ready ourselves for that day.

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