Friday, October 18, 2019

Use Those Emotional Appeals Towards The Lost!

Historically and traditionally speaking, the "Primitive" or "Old School" ministers preached most often with great emotional appeals, appealing to all the emotions and prejudices, such as sympathy, anger, etc. This, in itself, is not an evil, though it has been abused. I would not want to listen to a discourse that lacked feeling and conviction on the part of the speaker. Some of the best preachers have been well balanced in this regard.

The old "Regular" Baptists, and the old "United" Baptists, not to mention the first "Sandy Creek" Baptists, had ministers who could, like many old Hardshell preachers, preach with great boldness and fervor and truly stir the emotions of both saints and sinners. However, today's Hardshell preachers have not imitated them in all respects. They have too much become "emotional preachers."

Stirring emotions by preaching truth is sure to happen, and we are glad to see it. But, stirring emotions can also be a dangerous thing, as mobs and riots attest,

I have been in numerous meetings where preachers became excited in their delivery and in points being emphasized in preaching and the emotions of the congregation also got excited and stirred. This is good in moderation. But, why have today's PBs limited their emotional appeals or stirrings to the already saved? Why do they not use the same emotional and spirited appeals to the unregenerate? 

Your forefathers did not fail to give warm and heart felt appeals to those who are lost. So, who was right? You, or them? What are you afraid of? What scripture will you be violating by preaching in such a manner to the lost? Are you afraid that one of the non elect might be saved? Did the bible ministers and evangelists give fervent appeals to the spiritually dead or not?

If you say, I do not appeal to the dead because they are unable to hear or understand. That is true. But, why lack ye faith in God and the Spirit? Can the Spirit not make them to hear and understand? Is this not what Elders Watson, Clark, and others asked the "ultraist" brothers to answer?

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