Friday, October 18, 2019

Elder Grigg Thompson Warns Sinners

Elder Grigg M. Thompson

 Elder Grigg Thompson in a sermon said:

"Ungodly sinner, awful as the thought may be, and as much as you may try to put it out of your mind, or look at it as being far in the future, that day is coming when you will have to stand before your Judge; your condition will then be unalterable; you will remain eternally a wicked blasphemer, and the smoke of your torment will rise Up forever and ever. This awful truth is recorded in this book that is not to be sealed, but is to be read in all the churches, and proclaimed by all the faithful servants of our Lord, saying, “Woe to the wicked, it shall go ill with him; the reward of his hands shall be given him.” There can be no mistake; for he says, “Behold, I come quickly: my reward is with me, to give every man as his works shall be.” The thing is fixed; there will be no book of accounts to run over, and debts and credits to be canceled; the works of the wicked have been wicked works, and the reward shall be according to them. The justice of God will be fully vindicated in giving to the wicked according as his works shall be." (SERMON ON Re 22:17 - see here)


1. Thompson preached to ungodly lost sinners. He preached like his contemporaries (Watson, Fain, Clark, etc.) in this regard.

2. Thompson warned the wicked about the coming day of judgment. Hardshells today do not.

3. Thompson was not being "Arminian" in preaching to the spiritually dead.

4. Today's Hardshells would accuse Thompson of trying to "scare people into heaven."

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