Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What Depraved Man Lacks

What Depraved Man Lacks (what he is "without" - Rom. 1)

1. Without godliness (God likeness)
2. Without righteousness
3. Without excuse
4. Without understanding
5. Without cleanliness (purity)
6. Without honor (that comes from God)
7. Without honorable passions
8. Without judgment (discernment)
9. Without humility and meekness
10. Without obedience or faithfulness (loyalty)
11. Without natural affection
12. Without mercy and compassion
13. Without softness of heart
14. Without willingness to please God (stubborn or obstinate)

Romans 1, like other passages, gives us a list of sins that result from man's depravity.

1. Unrighteousness (adikia) - The word is the opposite of justice. It is the evil man who robs all of their rights. Since he is focused on himself, he disregards the rights of others.

2. Fornication (porneia) - all aspects of sexual immorality or what is against the laws given by God to regulate it.

3. Wickedness (poneria) - The desire to harm another person, to deliberately corrupt or inflict injury.

4. Coveteousness (pleonexia) - A simple definition is greed, though not limited to money. It literally means “to have more.” It is the lust to get and possess that allows a person to trample over others to obtain what they seek.

5. Malice (kakia) - A defect or badness in character. It is the opposite of goodness or excellence.

6. Murder (phonou) - Not just the physical act, but also the intent of the heart - Matthew 15:19-20

7. Strife (eris) - Quarreling, discord, contention typically resulting from a desire for prestige.

8. Guile (dolou) - It refers to the bait used for fishing and means trickery, deception, craftiness or treachery.

9. Evil dispositions (kakoetheias) - The word literally means ill-natured. This is the attitude that tends to put the worse connotation on the actions of others.

10. Whisperers (psithuristas) - This is the gossip or the talebearer. This is the coward who defames another behind his back.

11. Slanderers (katalalous) - A defamer, someone who maligns another’s character. Where a whisper does it in hidden fashion, the slander does it openly.

12. Haters of God (theostugeis) - God represents restrictions on behavior and the hater of God wants to do as he pleases. A godless world is preferable to such people. Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God - II Timothy 3:4.

13. Insolent (hubristas) - It describes a man who is so proud he is willing to defy God. He is confident in his own power. It also describes a man who is wantonly cruel and insulting. A violent man who finds delight in hurting others.

14. Proud (huperephanous) - Literally “I appear above.” In other words, a person trumpets himself above other people.

15. Boasting (alazonas) - Refers to wandering salesman saying boastful, but false, things about his wares. An imposter, a charlatan, or a braggart. Thus it is the attitude of pretending to have what you do not to gain an advantage.

16. Inventors of evil things (epheuretas kakon) - This is related to “malice” above, but here the person does not just turn toward evil, he seeks out new sins. Old sins are no longer thrilling, so he seeks out new thrills in new sins.

17. Disobedient to parents (goneusin apeitheis) - Contrary to the command to honor your parents, this rebels against his parents rules. It literally means a person unable to be persuaded by his parents. Someone who is stubborn and inflexible.

18. Without understanding (asunetous)- Literally “unintelligent”, stupid, foolish.

19. Treacherous (asunthetous) - Literally, “covenant breaking,” without faith, unable to be relied upon or trusted.

20. Without natural affection (astrogous) - Being without the natural love between parents and their children.

21. Irreconcilable (aspondous) [Not in all manuscripts]- Not willing to make peace or come to an understanding.

22. Unmerciful (aneleemonas)- Without pity or compassion, cruel

(Taken from my posting On Total Depravity)

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