Wednesday, December 29, 2021

A Wise Proverb - Invite Criticism

"In a lawsuit the first to speak seems right, until someone comes forward and cross-examines." (Prov. 18: 17 niv)

"The first one to plead his cause seems right, Until his neighbor comes and examines him." (nkjv)

Those believers, especially of the ministry, who refuse to hear criticism or dialogue with others of contrary opinions, do not follow the advice of Solomon. 

In all the debates, the discussions, dialogue, etc., that I have had with others who disagree with me on a bible doctrine I have invited to come and cross examine me. Oh that our Hardshell brothers would heed this advice!

Today they seem "set in their ways" and have no desire to be cross examined in their views. Sad indeed. They stubbornly refuse to listen to those who disagree with them. They would rather try to ignore or cancel such cross examination.What are they afraid of? If what they are contending for is so clearly sustained in scripture, then why shun such investigation? For myself I am always open to be corrected. 

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