Monday, December 13, 2021

They Need What They Despise

The "Primitive Baptists" who embraced the 1832 Black Rock Address began to speak against "revival meetings," saying all kinds of evil things about them (though they are part of our Old Baptist history). Yet, it is ironic to me. Why? Because I see that the very thing they denounced is the very thing they need (now more than ever) to overcome their lethargy, dwindling, and deadness. When they quit preaching the gospel to sinners and restricted their preaching to "feeding the sheep" (a remnant of "Two Seed" ideology), they began to die and they have been dying ever since. To revive means to bring back to life. If our Hardshell churches are ever to be brought back to life, they will need revival. They will need gospel preaching to the lost and unconverted. 

"I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead." (Rev. 3: 1)

I fear that there are many Hardshell churches (and other denominations also) which may have the above words apply to them. Surely, the words "Ichabod" (the glory is departed) are written over many churches as well as the word "dead."

What think ye?

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