Tuesday, July 20, 2021

An Example Of Spirit Filled Worship In Song

"Is that the old ship of Zion?" sung by the Kingsman Quartet. (here)

Listen and hear the praises from the congregation as it is sung! That is the kind of emotional moving of the Spirit I have been talking about in spirit filled jubilant worship!

This song grips me every time I hear it! Listen to the pathos! The praise! I hope to meet these church members who whooped it up!


Ken Mann said...

Oh how I remember this song being sung in my church growing up! We had an older sister who would whip out her handkerchief and let out "war hoops" of joy! I remember Brother Zulkey would start a "running spell" and run up and down the aisles shouting! Even as a child I understood the emotions of it all, but as I get older I now realize why their joy was so profound, because since most of their years lay behind them, they were closer to the shore of heaven and could see more clearly than I, what lay ahead for them! Want know what the biggest proof is that you are saved? Its being HOMESICK for heaven!

Stephen Garrett said...

Amen. Praise the Lord.