Sunday, July 25, 2021

Bible Study Advantages Today

The Internet has its good and its bad. One of the good things is that information is now at our fingertips. When I was a young man studying the bible in the 70s and into the 80s I was forced to buy books, buy books, buy books, to get information about subjects. Not all the books I wanted to read were available to me and many I could not afford to purchase. Also, when I wanted to cite an author I had to write or type it and this took time. Now, with modern technology, I can not only read books without buying them, yea, even hard to find books, but I can with my computer copy and paste into a word processing application or word processor. So many advantages for bible study today than ever before! So, why do many believers still know so little of their bibles? Why are they not taking advantage of these things? You can listen to sermons, debates, music, etc. instantly. How much easier is research today with so much information so easily accessible and with so many aids in writing and communication? 

Further, the believer can reach the world with his computer. He can communicate instantly with believers in all parts of the world. Perhaps this is one reason why the church is losing so many members. Perhaps they prefer hearing preaching and singing on the Internet and to do their donating this way too. Perhaps many who are fed up with organized and corrupted Christian religion would rather worship God in this manner. After all, many churches now streamline their services. 

Jesus said "to whom much is given much is required." (Luke 12: 48) We have little excuse today for our failure to study God's word and many other things. Shame on us if we don't take advantage of these things.

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